New at Anika Skincare - Lift MD Microcurrent Facials-  Integrative Skincare

New at Anika Skincare - Lift MD Microcurrent Facials- Integrative Skincare

February 16, 2020


Introducing the new Lift MD machine and new micro current menu for facials services.

I am thrilled to announce that I have recently gone through additional training and certification to bring you more options for even greater results using micro current. The new advanced Lift MD has 8 different waveforms, that can help all skin types (Rosacea, Acne, Aging.). It is not just for aging skin, although highly recommended for individuals looking for non-invasive integrative skincare that gives great visible results. In addition, individuals going through weight loss programs or having surgery (pre & post) micro current is extremely helpful. Micro current facials are helpful both for immediate results and long term. Making it a perfect choice for even if you have one done before a special event. When done in a series the muscle memory can hold from 2 to 3 years if the regular maintenance is continued.

Let’s take a look at what an anti-aging session would look like with the new Lift MD:

  • The skin would first be cleansed and exfoliated
  • The circulation and blood flow would be worked on
  • Lymphatic drainage would be performed to face and neck to break down and release blockages (women get especially around the lower face and jawline) and this also helps body to eliminate excess fluids-toxins. Very helpful for puffy under eyes, and people who suffer with sinus issues.
  • Next step is to deeply relax overstressed muscles. Usually in these areas deeper lines form.
  • Now comes the part where all the muscle on your face and neck are strengthened and shortened making them tighter.
  • Deep lift is used for saggy jawline line and lower face for those who need more lifting.
  • The surface of the skin for the skin tone is tightened. Improving how the texture of the skin and pores appear.
  • Skin is then infused with highly advanced customized ingredients for your skin type.


In addition to this service. Clients have add on options- such as LED Phototherapy or Rezenerate Nano technology (micro channeling) to micro current if desired.


New Micro Current menu-


Express Micro current Eyelift- $75.00


Express Micro current Lip - $75.00


Micro current relax & Lift $125.00

with Led Phototherapy $150.00


Microcurrrent MD $ 185.00

with LED Phototherapy $210.00

Microcurrent Acne $125

With Led Phototherapy $150.00



When done in a series of 10 or more save- Classic Relax & Lift normally 125.00 each. Would be discount to $110.00 per session.

When done in a series of 10 or more save- LiftMD normally $185.00 each. Would be discounted to $165.00 per session.

I do require all appointments for series to be booked in advance. Clients can pay as they go. I do not require series payment up front. But, do require the series to be booked. Before and after photos will be taken to show the results.