Anika Skincare- Acne clearing products plant based. Non toxic skincare. Beauty retailer and Advanced Facial treatments

Anika Skincare Tips for Acne - Lifestyle Things that affect acne clearing Article #3

July 09, 2021


Lifestyle Choices Affecting Acne
If you are someone who struggles with acne and are looking for other ways to help clear your skin, take a look at the following lifestyle choices that affect acne and see if you can make any changes in your own life. 
  • Avoid using fabric softener in the washer and /or the dryer ( no dryer sheets). The waxy residue gets on the pillowcases, towels, wash clothes and sheets that have direct contact with skin.  This residue can clog the pores of acne-prone individuals. If you want something to stop static cling in your dryer, you can get anti- static balls at Bed Bath and Beyond, Target or on-line.
  • Avoid using detergents with fragrance because they can cause skin irritation. It is best to use fragrance free detergent such as Cheer Free, All Free and Clear , Tide Free & Hammer Free.

Water Softeners 

  • There is some evidence that water softeners can lead to acne, especially those containing high amounts of potassium chloride. It is best to avoid water softeners.


  • Swimming pool disinfectants contain iodides and chlorine which can remain in the water, causing skin problems for frequent swimmers. We advise that you apply a thin layer of Vaseline before you get in the pool.

Sun Exposure & Acne

  • Although sun exposure causes desirable scaling and drying, it also damages the follicle, exacerbates dark spots, and can cause skin cancer as well as premature aging.  We strongly advise that you wear sunscreen whenever you are outside, even if it is overcast and/or raining.

Hand Lotions

  • Beware of hand lotions. If you are using a comedogenic hand lotion and leaning your hand on your face ( many do this in front of the computer) or sleeping on  your hands, this could contribute to your acne.

Breakouts around the mouth area?

  • Many lip balms, toothpastes, and even facial tissues have comedogenic ingredients in them.  So, if you see breakouts around your mouth area, this is possible why.  We recommend Vaseline or Aquaphor for a lip balm and toothpaste without SLS ( sodium lauryl sulfate). Many well - known tissue brands are infused with things like coconut oil, isopropyl myristate, and SLS, all of which clog the pores.

No Picking or Squeezing!

  • Instead of the usual desire to pick or squeeze, try rubbing ice on pustules and pimples for a couple of minutes, twice a day. IMPORTANT: if you pick, squeeze,  and break the skin, the scab will leave a red mark or dark mark that will be there for months, making your skin look WAY worse than if you had left it alone.

Birth Control and Hormone Replacement

  • Avoid low estrogen birth control pills. "Lo" dose pills are higher in androgen hormones that can make acne-prone skin worse. Norplant, Provera, Depo-Provera shots, most IUDs like Mirena, Skyla and Littetta can be a problem. Also, the Nuvo Ring can cause breakouts as well. Progesterone hormone replacement Premarin can be problematic.  If you have polycystic ovaries, they will cause hormonal changes and breakouts.

Recreational and Prescription Drugs that affect acne

  • Marijuana, cocaine speed and steroids used by bodybuilders
  • Prescription drugs-- topical and oral steroids, anticonvulsants, Lithium, thyroid meds, Quinine , Isoniazid, Immuran, Danazol, Gonadotrophin, Cyclosporin, Disulfiram, Phentermine, ADD/ADHD drugs.

Chemicals that affect acne

  • Coal tars ( roofers) , grease ( mechanics, cooks, waiters) , chlorinated industrial chemicals, dioxin.

Making these changes to your lifestyle isn't going to magically make your acne disappear.  However, being aware of these lifestyle choices that can negatively affect acne can help you identify what you are doing in your own life and how that might be affecting your skin.  The first step is awareness and from there, you can make any  necessary changes that are right for you!


If you need help on how to clear your acne and what type of products to use please call me at 603 595 0224. I have been a licensed Esthetician for over 25 years. My approach to skincare is holistic. And, the skincare products I use are all clean beauty products. Non- toxic skincare. Organic, Non GMO, Vegan, Plantbased skincare with clinical results. I also retail several at home beauty devices. 

 About Anika Skincare- Hudson, New Hampshire

A few of the brands and beauty device that are popular for helping clear chronic acne are :


Essential Skincare By Anikabeauty

Visual Changes International Skincare


Illuminate LED Green Disk