8 Skin Care Mistakes Almost Everyone Makes, Even You

8 Skin Care Mistakes Almost Everyone Makes, Even You

March 30, 2018

You scrub, you exfoliate, you rinse, you repeat. What could possibly be wrong about that? While washing and exfoliating your skin regularly is definitely the foundation of a healthy glow, there are many things almost everyone does that actually jeopardizes your skin care efforts. So, let’s squash these bad skin care habits and start revealing the true beauty hidden underneath that top layer.


Mistake #1: Popping Pimples

You’ve heard it time and time again, “Don’t pop your pimples”, but when there’s a blazing red dot – or worse, white head – taking over your complexion, it can be hard to leave your pimples, acne, zits and blemishes be. skin care mistakes, skincare mistakes, high quality skin care, skin care ingredients, organic skin care, SPF beauty products, antiaging products, skincare ingredients, New Hampshire, Hudson NH

However, going to battle with your blemishes can actually make them significantly more severe, not only in appearance but also in terms of infections. The good news is that you can stop the picking and popping and still speed up the healing process to get those zits gone in no time. The Instant Spot Remedy is an incredibly effective -  and incredibly fast way to treat those skincare blemishes.


Mistake #2: Exfoliating Too Often

There’s such a thing as too much of a good thing. While there’s no denying that a good exfoliation is needed from time to time to remove dead skin and reveal a fresh new layer, exfoliating too often can damage your skin’s moisture barrier, causing an increase in flakiness, dehydration, inflammation and can also result in the destruction of healthy skin cells. So, limit your exfoliating to a maximum of three days a week, and always use a high-quality product infused with healthy skincare ingredients. The Flower and Lactic Microderm Exfoliator is an excellent skin care mistakes, skincare mistakes, high quality skin care, skin care ingredients, organic skin care, SPF beauty products, antiaging products, skincare ingredients, New Hampshire, Hudson NHskin care product that exfoliates while also infusing your skin with valuable ingredients that will also repair and replenish the area.


Mistake #3: Not Exfoliating Enough

With that said, a common skin care mistake that many people make is not exfoliating enough.  While this mistake won’t strip your skin of moisture like the prior will, it can leave your skin feeling heavy, clogged and dirty which can result in blemishes, acne and zits.


Mistake #4: Not Using SPF Beauty Products

You already know you have to wear sunscreen while basking in the summer rays, but what most people forget is the sunscreen should be worn every day. But of course, no one wants to wake up and slather on some oily sunscreen before heading off to work. So, most people forget this step. Fortunately, there’s a better alternative.

Simply swap out your standard beauty products for SPF beauty products from brands such as such the incredible, non-GMO, organic sun skin care lineskin care mistakes, skincare mistakes, high quality skin care, skin care ingredients, organic skin care, SPF beauty products, antiaging products, skincare ingredients, New Hampshire, Hudson NHSuntregrity, and you’ll give your skin an extra boost of beauty and production each and every day.


Mistake #5: Forgetting to Tone Up

Nope. We aren’t talking about toning up at the gym. Instead, it’s all about toning your skin’s completion, a step many people forget to add into their daily skin care regime. Toners are an excellent way to infuse your skin with moisture, to remove chlorines and minerals found in water from your skin, and yes, to even out your skin tone. The key is to avoid alcohol-based toners, as they can do more damage (and dehydration) than good. Instead, use the Ultra Calm Toner from Essential Dermaceuticals as the cherry on top of your skin care regime.


Mistake #6: Not Using Specific Skin Care Products to Treat Different Skin Care Concerns

We’ve all seen those beauty products that don a bright and shiny sticker that reads, “All in one”, but don’t be mistaken. In order to receive the effective results for whatever your skin care concerns are, it’s important to use skin care products designed to specifically tackle that one thing. For example, it can be difficult to find a powerful antiaging cream if it’s combined with all the ingredients of a moisturizer, cleansing wash, toner, zip-zapper, etc. So, always opt for individual products for each – one for facial cleansing; one for moisturizing; one for toning; one for diminishing fine lines and wrinkles – and so on and so forth. This will ensure you get the best of ALL worlds.


Mistake #7: Switching Up Skin Care Products Too Often

It’s common to switch up skin care products regularly to try different brands or to treat different skin care concerns. However, doing so, especially when switching skin care mistakes, skincare mistakes, high quality skin care, skin care ingredients, organic skin care, SPF beauty products, antiaging products, skincare ingredients, New Hampshire, Hudson NHbetween various brands, can disrupt your pH balance which can lead to blemishes, zits, acne, pimples, uneven skin tone complexion and ineffective results. So, once you find a high-quality brand of skin care products, stick with it and explore the various options within that brand, or at the very least, brands that are made with the same level of quality. For example, you don’t want to switch from a luxurious organic skin care toner and the opt for a $7 one.

Another rule of thumb is to try to stick with similar ingredients, or again, similar quality of skincare ingredients. Switching from a high quality, organic cleanser to a chemical-packed $7 facial cleanser simply won’t do good for your clear, youthful skin desires or health.


Mistake #8: Opting for Cheap Instead of Quality

Money doesn’t grow on trees (if only!). So, it makes sense why cheap, low-grade skin care products are a thriving industry. Dishing out $50 for high-quality, organic skin care products sounds crazy when you can get the same for $10. But here’s the thing – you aren’t getting the same. In fact, cheap skin care products packed with chemicals can actually do more harm than good. And what most people don’t realize is that the cheapest products can result in your spending more money in the long run.

With low-grade products, you might only be spending $10 each month but that’s $10 each month you have to continue to pay in order to see the slightest bit of results. Add in the extra skin care concerns that can sprout after the use of poor quality skin care products, and you’re spending an additional $10 a month to treat the new complexion problems. That $10 a month quickly turns into $20, $30, $40 – without ever seeing the results you deserve, but yet, seeing all kinds of extra skin care concerns.

Spending more up front can certainly save you money because you don’t have to worry about what you’re really doing to your skin, and high quality products are infused with healthy skin care ingredients that will actually provide you with stunning results.


The most important thing you can do to avoid making these common skin care mistakes is to know what you’re putting on your skin. Know your skin care ingredients and the benefits that follow, and be aware of the skin care ingredients to avoid.  And of course, know the skin care brands you can trust. Head on over to Anika Beauty and explore the world of quality, healthy beauty.